@ the Helm: Situational Awareness

@ The Helm: Situational Awareness

We’re not alone these days in experiencing the overwhelm of information and ambiguity among many other stressors.

In such moments, I turn to the Situational Awareness Radar, a tool we co-developed with one of our clients.

Situational Awareness is a 360-degree vantage with the agility to shift between a tactical and strategic focus as needed.


Q1: What am I aware of in my immediate environment on the visible and invisible plane? Visible factors are anything I can physically see such as the room, people, objects that surround me. Invisible factors are the forces at play that I can’t see but can sense, feel, intuit such as mood, climate, culture.

Q2: What is on my visible/invisible radar in my team realm? My organizational realm? My community & world realm?

Q3: What am I dealing with at the 3-mile tactical range? This includes firefighting, operational, urgent things I need to do today.

Q4: What am I dealing with at the 6-mile developmental range? This has to do with developing capacity both in myself and my team members.

Q5: What am I dealing with at the 20-mile strategic range? This is the long-term vision that extends beyond the horizon.

Q6: What is my current ratio between the 3:6: 20-mile ranges? Given my current role and demands, what is the ideal ratio?

Q7: What is one step I can take today to shift towards my ideal ratio?

As our Situational Awareness comes under pressure, it can become rigid or even collapse.

By taking a moment to inventory what is occupying our attention in the various sectors of our life at the different ranges, we can regain perspective on where we want to put our energy and how to take the very next step forward. 

Are you ready to equip yourself and your team with the toolkit for getting better through this? “@ the Helm” is our new online course. It’s a compilation of leadership and management tools enabling you to calm the overwhelm and move your people from reactive to proactive, fragmented to focused, stressed to resilient.

Concerned about time? This six-hour online course includes 12 modules. Each module can be completed in a 30-minute session at your own pacing. Learn more here.