@ the Helm: Purposeful Pause

@ The Helm: Situational Awareness

The Purposeful Pause is an antidote to all that ails.

The stress, anger, frustration, confusion...basically anything that overwhelms our capacity to maintain perspective can be eased. 

The Purposeful Pause enables us to shift from a place of reacting to responding. Victor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, captures that shift: 

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” 

The beautiful thing is that there are numerous ways to build a Purposeful Pause into any moment of a jam-packed day. Would you believe that in 90 seconds you can completely transform your outlook?

It’s a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. 

Join us in the @ the Helm online course to learn more about this and other powerful tools for calming the overwhelm in any weather. 

Purposeful Pause

Are you ready to equip yourself and your team with the toolkit for getting better through this? “@ the Helm” is our new online course. It’s a compilation of leadership and management tools enabling you to calm the overwhelm and move your people from reactive to proactive, fragmented to focused, stressed to resilient.

Concerned about time? This six-hour online course includes 12 modules. Each module can be completed in a 30-minute session at your own pacing. Learn more here.